The American Revolution
Free Concert!
Every two years in America we have a revolution. We call it the Midterms and the Presidential elections. We gather as a country and decide who is going to lead us. We Vote!!
This should be celebrated!
On November 5th, 2024.
After you vote! Come to the largest free concert in the history of the country.
76 locations all over the US in all 50 states. The who’s who in in Rap, Country, Pop, R & B, Jazz, and rock n roll. Hosted by the top comedians in the country.
First you must register on our website and create a profile. There is a cost of $10. After you create your profile; vote on WHO YOU WANT TO SEE AT THE CONCERT IN YOUR CITY.
The first City with 70,000 registered members will get the top choice of the top stars to come to your city and perform.
Vote in the Presidential election as soon as you can. After you vote in the election. Go to your profile and click I voted today, and you will get a free ticket with a seat number to the concert.
The earlier you vote; you get the best seats, (seats numbered 1 thru 70,000) Plan your vote and plan to be at the concert
If you decide not to vote in the election it is ok, you can still get a seat. When the voting closes in your city; click, I did not vote today, and you will get a free ticket to the concert. If any seats are left.
So, vote early, get your
free ticket to the concert
So, vote early, get your free ticket to the concert, and meet others who have done the same thing all on our website.
Let’s celebrate the best country in the history of the world, and congratulate the winners of the election and most important; come together as a country